RADIAB™ - W(oven) - Radiation Shielded Coated Wall Coverings

Product Description:

   Our coated glass fiber wall coverings are dimensionally stable; adding strength and durability to interior walls and ceilings while protecting the interior air space by absorbing airborne electromagnetic radiation waves or radiation particles e.g. 137Cesium,
90Strontium. The substrate for the wall coverings is a woven high density glass textile mat with a smooth or textured surface, which makes it ideal for painting with a good qualtity low sheen paint e.g. satin, egg shell or lower. The use of natural and synthetic Zeolites as coatants for radiation absorption is well known and considerably less expensive than comparable radiation absorbing lanthanide metal technologies e.g. Holmium or Lutetium.


  • Lightweight
  • Coat with any paint
  • Faster wall finishing in new construction e.g. reduced mudding and sanding
  • Use on walls or ceilings
  • Install with pre-mixed clear adhesive
  • Woven reinforcement and protection of walls prior to painting
  • Zeolite/Boehmite (coatants) provide >30 dB of EMI shielding protection
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