RADIAIR FILTERS™ - Radiation Absorption Air Filters

Product Description:

   Binderless and acrylic resin bound, high efficiency (HEPA type), high purity, 100% high quality borosilicate glass micro fiber filter media is commonly used in the nuclear industry for collection of alpha, beta, and gamma emitting particulates. They are also excellent all around analytical grade filtration media for use in the removal of micron and submicron size particulates from both liquids and gases. Our patented HEPA quality, DOP tested filter media has efficiencies from 99.998%-.99.999% and are specifically designed for radioisotope (particulate) absorption.

Properties of Glass Fiber Media:

   The borosilicate glass fibers are inert and resistant to all but strongly alkaline bases or acids such as hydrofluoric acid. The fibers are heat resistant and will only begin to soften at over 600°C. The borosilicate glass has a refractive index of 1.51, and when immersed in a solvent of a similar refractive index like benzene, the fibers will be transparent. Particles collected on the media then become easier to visibly identify.

Particle Retention:

   In nuclear environmental air testing, the protocol is for filtration or collection of sub-micron size (less than one micrometer in aerodynamic diameter) particles. Use of glass fiber media is therefore recommended. The test procedure for determining the effectiveness of particle retention is known as the DOP smoke test. In this test, DOP (dioctyl phthalate) is heated, the vaporized compound is dispersed into the air where it cools and condenses into mono-molecular particles of between .07-2.0 (averaging 0.3) microns in size. By drawing these airborne particles through the filter media and measuring the amount of breakthrough particles, a retention efficiency is established (see Mil Standards 282 for the complete procedure).

   Soils act as a highly effective sink for radionuclides depositing from the atmosphere. Thus, the processes of deposition and resuspension can have significant implications for ingestion doses incurred via the terrestrial food chain pathway (Romney et al., 1970) as well as for doses incurred through direct inhalation. Cesium and Plutonium are strongly adsorbed by soil particles and their pattern of re-distribution and transport in the environment at large is governed by soil erosion processes which are dominated by the actions of wind and water (Hanson et al., 1981: Dreicer et al., 1984).

Selectivity of the Coating Media:

   Our zeolite (clinoptilolite) and water based polymer coated, glass micro fiber and polypropylene air filters are designed to protect the interior air space (and the inhabitants) by absorbing airborne electromagnetic radiation waves e.g. radio waves and radioactive particles e.g. 137Cesium and 90Strontium. As they are cationically held in place, both will decay right in the filter for easy and organized commercial disposal.

Our Type A Zeolite and TiO2 coated products are designed to absorb CO2 (the number one greenhouse gas) and PM 2.5. (the number one airborne cause of lung cancer, globally - UN IARC Report, 2012).

Designed for use with all central air conditioner systems.

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