SAFASK™ - Antiviral/Antimicrobial Face Mask and Respirator Media

Product Description:

Our proprietary two stage (low and high pH) inactivation buffers coated onto N95 non-woven meltblown polypropylene surrounded with spun-bound polypropylene has given us an effective prophylaxis. BFE is 99%.

It’s a known fact that Influenza viruses are affected by low pH, which is why our primary stage citric acid (pH 2.2) filter will inactivate them. Viral inactivation studies show that influenza viruses are rapidly inactivated by contact with acid buffered solutions at pH 3.5. The titre of influenza A Sydney/5/97 [H3N2] was reduced by at least 3 log cycles with one minute contact with buffers based on simple acid mixtures such as L-pyroglutamic acid, succinic acid, citric acid and ascorbic acid.

Coronavirus infectivity is exquisitely sensitive to pH. For example, the MHV-A59 strain of coronavirus is quite stable at pH 6.0 (acidic) but becomes rapidly and irreversibly inactivated by brief treatment at pH 8.0 (alkaline). Infection of cells by murine coronavirus A59 at pH 6.0 (acidic) rather than pH 7.0 (neutral) yields a tenfold increase in the infectivity of the virus. Human coronavirus strain 229E is an enveloped virus with a positively charged RNA genome maximally infective at pH 6.0.

The pH of our water and Zeolite based Curie formula is 8-8.5! Since the RNA (and sub-particles) of inactivated coronavirus is positively charged the negatively charged zeolites coated onto the second stage filter will attract them for cation absorption.

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